Providing Helpful Information & Support For Stroke Survivors & caregivers

TheStrokeChannel.TV is proud to feature

award winning author

Kathi Koll

on episodes of "Life After Stroke with Christopher Ewing"!

During the feature "Care for Caregivers with Kathi Koll", Kathi shares some of her

insight on what it takes to be a caregiver.

"Click Here" to listen now to an interview with

Kathi Koll

Whether you are a stroke survivor or caregiver, this is a "must hear" interview!

For more information on Kathi, and the Kathi Koll Foundation, "click here".

Kathi became a full-time family caregiver to her husband Don after a catastrophic stroke in 2005 that left him completely paralyzed from the neck down and forced to live on a respirator. She cared for Don for more than six and a half years before his passing in 2011.

During her time as a caregiver, Kathi experienced the full spectrum of emotional and practical challenges that many full-time family caregivers face. From learning how to resume a joy-filled life to figuring out the logistics of how to do it, she experienced the full spectrum of challenges that full or part-time caregivers face.

Also, be sure to check out Kathi's new podcast "Care for Caregivers with Kathi Koll" on

Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeart Radio!

Author of the book

"Kick Ass Kinda Girl: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Caregiving"