Providing Helpful Information & Support For Stroke Survivors & caregivers

To book Christopher to make a public appearance or a speaking engagement at your event, â€‹please complete the form below:

"Hi Karen,
I just wanted to thank you for a great meeting today. It was above and beyond what both Nicole and I expected. Christopher is an outstanding speaker, I could have listened to him longer. I admit also that he had me in tears. I realized from him I need to speak more about how I am feeling, mentally. I never wanted to have my family worry about me. I realize it is only hurting me, my health. I will try in the future to overcome that.  Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make this a success. 

(Email sent from an attendee to the organizers of the annual "Community Stroke Day", Green Bay, WI) 

Emmy Award winning TV Host, Motivational Speaker

& Stroke Survivor Christopher Ewing makes public appearances

across the country speaking on the topic of stroke.